Do You Want to Create Wonderful Christmas Memories?
Don't let Covid stop you creating wonderful experiences this Christmas. Our simple downloadable pack provides you with simple, clear instructions helping you to create beautiful Christmas crafts in the safety of your home.

create crafts to cherish
Christmas is all about time together, enjoying each other's company and creating traditions to last a life time. That can be a lot of pressure and it can be tricky to think of ways to spend quality time together. We are here to help you do just that!
Create Festive Traditions
Christmas Traditions are part and parcel of the festive season. We help you create your own, making stunning crafts that will last the test of time. We all remember making the toilet roll snowman in our childhood, some of us still hang it on our trees! These creations are just as meaningful but the classic designs mean they will be eye catching in years to come.

What Do you get?
The pack contains 4 simple activities which are suitable for all ages. Older children will enjoy independence when creating them whilst youngsters will love the one to one time with a loved one, whether that be an older sibling or parent.
Make Memories Together
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Four wonderful activities to enjoy this festive season.
Create family time and new traditions
together this year.